Monday, September 29, 2014

A letter to my future husband...

We haven't met yet, or if we have I don't know it. I am currently a junior in college, and I've been thinking a lot about you lately. I know I talk a lot so you've probably heard the story, but my cousin just got married... You know the one who is two weeks younger than me, inherited a bunch of money and shows it off like crazy? That one just got married. And it got me thinking...
I never thought marriage was for me, I never thought I would want to get married, but I am about to turn 22. I am on the tail end of my college career and about to go into the real world! And suddenly, that is what I want. I want someone to cheer me on and tell me that I'm not crazy when I wake up at 3 in the morning and decide to clean the kitchen. I want someone who knows me better than anyone else.
I wonder how we will meet. Will I love you instantly or will it take some convincing? 
I am currently focusing on my path with God, it is something that is extremely important to me. I hope that it is important to you and that it is something that we share and discuss openly. 
Is purity something that we struggle with? Or have we figured out how to balance out a romantic relationship and refrain from those desires? 
I am going to state it openly to you now, I am promising myself to you. I don't know if you're struggling like I am, but I have slipped a few times, I hope that we have the kind of relationship where I can be open and honest about my failures and you can be open and honest about yours. I believe that this is important because then we can be most accepting of each other. 
I understand that in society today, sex is everywhere. It is not always easy to remain pure, and recommitting to purity is even harder. I understand this And I will not judge you for your mistakes.
Moving on from that topic, how did you propose? Was it something simple and private? Or was it big and grand? Did you ask my parents first?
I can't wait to meet you, but I am going to end this letter here.


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