Thursday, July 9, 2015

A letter to my college roommates...

I have a love/hate relationship with a lot of you. I lived on campus for two and a half years of my life while in college, and it made me realize what I value in friendship. This is not a letter to one of you specifically, but to all of you as a whole.
The fact that we go to a Christian university made me excited, especially since I was fairly new in my religion when I started here. Now I have realized that a Christian university does not necessarily mean that the people uphold Christian values. People here are rude, manipulative, careless, lazy and so much more.
I expected to have a lot of great friendships coming out of college, mostly my roommates because we spent so much time together. However, there is one person that I have lived with, that I would still consider a friend going into my last semester at this school, and I met her two weeks ago.
I clean when I am anxious, but that does not mean that I enjoy cleaning, it means that it calms my nerves. And by no means does it mean that you don't have to clean up after yourself or that you can leave 4+ bags of trash sitting in the kitchen for someone else to take out. (HINT: if you didn't catch that, yes I know you expected me to take it out.) Yes, I did take it out eventually, but only because I don't enjoy living like a pig, in filth.
I realize that I worked a lot, but I am paying for college, with little help from my family, I realize that many of you have your family to fall back on, and some of you are even being completely funded by your parents, so you have a lot of free time. But intentionally leaving someone out of multiple conversations, and plans for trips, is just plain rude. Especially when you are going to try to talk about it in front of me, without using specific words. But you plan to invite multiple people over to MY apartment to go with you, still without mentioning anything to me.

Finally, we come to my favorite. The one who hurt me in the deepest way possible. You were the one that I told all of my secrets to, who knew everything I had ever been through in my life. Yet somehow... you let one of the most hurtful moments of my life be replayed, and you thought that it was funny.

I have realized what true friendship is, and the type of people that I do and do not want around at the end of the day. I can't say that you all didn't play a part in that. For that I am grateful. But do not be surprised when you're not the first one I call with good news.
